Data Science

Air Pollution

This project uses a collection of measurements on harmful particles in the atmosphere at several different locations in California. It uses this data to determine which geographic locations have the highest levels of air pollution. It then uses populations in those general regions to determine if population has an affect on the air pollution levels.

Student Housing Insecurity

This project builds on a previous study by Dr. Wilking in 2019 about the housing insecurity and homelessness of students in recent years. It also focuses on how the Camp Fire impacted the students’ housing situations. The goal of this study was to try to reproduce the findings of Dr. Wilking, and then take a look at how missing data affects the results of the study.

Classification and Regression Trees

This project gives information about classification of data and regression trees. It includes topics such as pruning trees, bagging, and boosting. It also covers random forests. In addition to the information, this project uses an example dataset to show how to incorporate these topics to analyze the data using R code.

Modeling Accuracy and Test Prediction Errors

This project explores how different classification algorithms can yield very different predictive results. It is therefore important to test how well your models perform with test data, and compare the results with other algorithms in order to find a model that best works for your data. This project uses an example dataset and generates four different models: GLM, LDA, QDA, and KNN. It then shows how to compare the accuracy and test error between these four models using R code.

Web Design

59 Days of Code Logo

A cool looking logo for a popular event. Simple HTML/CSS

Sample Sales Page

Sample sales page with interactive capability. Uses JavaScript to change CSS stylings and maintain a shopping cart count.

Sample Survey Form

A sample survey form. HTML, CSS and JavaScript